50. Statue Plane Juggling

Photograph by Waleed Almotar
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51. Olympic Ring Moon
Olympic might be long over but that does not mean we ain’t gonna have much fun. Just like we always say, a picture has a thousand words to communicate with its viewer but what more do we expected from an image that simply shows the relationship between the Olympic rings and the moon is simply.
52. Lady With The Ape

Lady With Gorilla
A simple post would make us feel there was no string attach between the mammals and the humans. Sure the gorilla was prepared for the pose but who rocked it better? man or the animal.
53. Presenter with the Gun

Presenter With The Gun?
If you carefully look at the image above, you are gonna assume the presenter was actually holding a gun and is gonna shoot the hell out of the live of the presenter buh wait a minute, take a second look at the presenter, the electronic gun and the TV; did you get the joke now?
54. Who is carrying Who!

Lovers Puzzle
Lovers are incredible, but won’t it be rather surprising to see a lady carry her spouse like a weightless bag? The biggest question is, who among the two is actually feeling the most weight or does it mean is will be just one?
55. Headless Prank?

Headless Office
I don’t want to believe that there are some persons in the office that are headless. Alot of persons have assumed that the above picture is a work of photoshop, but only a few persons will be able to decode that the woman in the picture may not be headless in the real sense.
56. Baby With Massive Hips
At first i had thought the toddler had a massive hips, but thanks to research, the hips belongs to mommy and that what daddy chawns for dinner.Dirty minds, so you actually thought that hips belong to the toddler right? Well! it is just your imagination because that is more like a mirage.
57. Did That Dude Just Swallow That Giraffe
Humans and animals have been found to be the best of friends. When it comes to establishing healthy relationship,animals seems to get along too easily with humans. No one should have thought that there would have been a perfect description of perfect result when this young man literally planned on swallowing the girraffe.
58. Kiss Butt

Kiss Butt
Happy married life pretty one. But who is the young man kissing your butt? Seems to be wearing a suit and i presume he is not patient enough to let anyone
59. Batman Reborn
Lets watch and see who Batman is watching on a cool evening like this. The metal was not meant to create the batman shadow but it actually turned out to reflect that positively.
60. Wedding Party.

Wedding Dwarfs
I think the photographer should be sued for suggesting this wrong post that actually turned out to be a comic relief. At the initial state, i had thought the extras where actually dwarf, but only to discover they are beautiful women and tall for that matter. Don’t be deceive by a picture.