61. Heads Down

Heads Down
One would think he had gone king fishing like the all famous King Fisher. I am still trying to realize what inspired this dive. I presume it should be a reality for him to finally achieve his dream of diving with no hands.
C’mon, this is just a guy trying to have some fun.
62. Horse VS Human Racer

Human racers
At first i had thought this was a competitiion between a horse and a young man, but carefully look into the matter and realize what is actually going on.
Right! did you see what happened there? Oh! i think i am gonna leave you to check yourself.
63. Flying Horser

Image via keyword-suggestions
Wow! Is he actually happy that he is falling down or what? This is really a funny scenerio as this racer may have little or no idea as to the weight of pain that awaits him after he might have successfully kissed the ground.
Well said, lets see how it goes.
64. The Fight

The Fight
When it is time for power tussle, no one messes with these two creatures. I think they need a better allowance to sort things out.
I hope someone is not gonna get injured by this exchange of fist. I will just stay by the corner and check out how it goes.
65. Make Up
So you actually thought only humans were talented in doing make up right, have you seen this beauty paint her lips before. So you were actually deceived this was a lip stick anyway, Check properly, that is just an animal trying to catch some fun.
Maybe we should take out time to be happy as these animals are.
66. The only Means of Transportation
If you were told this is the only means of transportation you could use to travel to the United States of America (USA),hope you are gonna involve your family in such way right?
Well, this is one beautiful and fun filled picture i have seen in a while. Lets see if they get to their destination on time.Beside that, something else is going on there.
67. Right Or Left
Now this image reminds me of the way some humans tend to behave. The lack of straight forward nature of some persons will leave you speechless. If you tell a lie and i send you this meme, simply believe that you ain’t a straight forward person.
Lets see where it lands finally.
68. Flying Horse?
At first i had imaging that the image of the horse was actually one with “Wings” but it seems my eyes deceived me a bit. Buh! could it be? I really get confuse when staring at this image over and over again. Lets just enjoy ourselves and forget about the worries of it is actually real or not.
Our imagination is left to battle the comparison.
69. Your Mask
Sometimes we just feel like exchanging our faces for a while. Maybe that was what the young man trying to pull of the head of that tender creature was trying to do.
Face exchange are things we see in our day to day activities as individuals are sometimes interested in looking like the opposites gender.
70. Coffee Owl
This was meant to come out as a normal tea but, you can’t trust the ingredients in a tea because they sometimes come out different from what is planned. May i will go get some breverage and try getting the face of a lion though.
Kudos to the amazing reality of this image.
71. Bubble Dog

Image via kickvick
Everyone human is aware of the fact that dogs love to play. But accidentally, they tend to create humor when they engage in fun games. Example of a pet in this scenerio can be found above.
You may ask yourself, what is it with the bubble,common, the dog is just trying to catch some hot fun.
72. Rough Gig

Image via Vivas
Have you ever imagine how pleasant it is to catch some fun with your friends? Yea! it is such an exciting experience. But what about a situation that turns out to have a different look when you missed the shot?
Right about that is the exact thing that worked above here. The fun created kind of drifted into another shape but anyway, lets wait and see how he lands.
73. Prank?

Image Via Thumpress
I will kind of leave my lips tight while i try to figure out the exact way the prank was gonna end.Anyway! i just see two lovely couples having a nice time out. They look pretty cool together and i admire their courage to stick together.
74. The King Is Fishing

Image via news hot celebrity
According to a source, a 33-year-old photographer Scott Linstead creates pictures in which animals and insects as if frozen in time.Maybe this could be some of the results of his dedication.
A big credit to the photographer that took this shot. It is simply worth every effort.
75. Pepsi Is Cool

Image via top13
Even animals have found pepsi to be irrestible. Maybe this explains the reason this cute animal took the sip this serious.
Just have a second look at this image, it simply shows that there is a barrier between the cat and the can of pepsi. Let me leave you to your own opinion.
76. Diver

Image via sportsdaily.co.za
Wow! this is one incredible picture i have come to respect. Kudos to all those that struggle hard to give a shot that counts.
77. Does He Control The Moon?
It pretty seems like someone wants to eat up the moon. But how possible is that. This is one hell of a crazy picture i have seen.
In the above image you can actually see the power of distance creating confusion at times.
78. Sky Diving

Image via Information Hub
Skydiving is one lucriative job these days. But pretty much seen, this shot is on point.I wish i could go skydiving one of these days though. Lets wait and see how it rolls.
79. The Bishop

Image via fun pages
Lol! This kind of looked like a preacher trying to pass the message of salvation. But i believe this is one of the best thing to happen to us.
Lets say, we should sit down and listen to the gospel this poor little creature is trying to pass to us.
80. Human In Cat

Human Cat
Won’t you be scared if you see her like this in the night. This looks so real from an ignorant point of view *winks* but so fake when you find out is just the combination of human and cat catching fun.
MUST READ: 20 Animals That Totally Look Like Celebrities